Bed bug outbreak has lengthy repercussions

We recently negotiated a settlement for two clients who suffered multiple bites from an infestation of bed bugs while on a cruise to Iceland and Dublin.

The cruise staff failed to fumigate the cabin properly after being alerted to the problem, causing further suffering to our clients. On return home, their car and all their belongings had to be fumigated. This caused significant damage to suitcases and clothing as such a high heat had to be used. The carpets in their home were also fumigated as a precautionary measure. 

Unfortunately, one of our clients experienced an allergic reaction to the bites which caused her to become very unwell. She suffered scarring and developed post traumatic stress disorder, resulting in her undergoing cognitive behavioural therapy. She also suffered a worsening of a bruxism problem, which required dental intervention. 

An out of court settlement was negotiated with the carrier for £35,800 plus legal costs.

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