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With a reputation built on years of industry expertise and a large team of specialist private client lawyers, the Penningtons Manches Cooper private client team provides innovative, clear and tailored solutions for UK and non-UK based clients.

Our services range from personal wealth management, UK and international tax planning and asset protection to advising family offices, family businesses and fiduciaries on their clients’ diverse issues.

Consistently acknowledged as one of the top private client teams in the UK and recognised by all major guides to the UK legal profession, our full service team retains its reputation by understanding our clients’ objectives and working with them to deliver results. Chambers UK describes us as 'an absolutely first-rate firm with excellent private client practitioners … their advice is always tailored to get what the client needs' while The Legal 500 notes that we are ‘certainly one of the best in the field ... their combination of sensitivity and technical knowledge is as good as it gets'.

Our private client team is regularly nominated for and wins awards and there is widespread industry recognition of the team’s strength and depth across our network of offices. Recent accolades include being named runner up for the Citywealth Magic Circle Award for Law Firm of the Year 2018,  continued recognition in the ePrivateclient Top Law Firms rankings and two members of the team winning Citywealth Future Leaders awards. Members of our team are also included in the Citywealth leaders list; Citywealth Top 20 Women in Private Wealth Management list; Top 35 under 35; and Legal Week’s Private Client Global Elite list.

Recent work highlights

ATED expertise

Reviewing offshore structures holding high value properties in the UK for domiciled and non-domiciled clients following the provisions of the Finance Act 2013 and advising on the purchase of the UK properties post FA 2013.

£80 million property trust

Advising an ultra high net worth client on the establishment of an excluded property trust worth around £80 million in advance of his becoming deemed domiciled in the UK.

Change of tax residence

Acting for a significant group of private companies on the tax consequences of a change of tax residence by a major Italian shareholder as well as the consequences for him and his family.

Related expertise

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP