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Case studies
$300,000 settlement for injured holidaymaker
Advising Indian offshore outsourcing company on telecoms dispute
Multi-million pound secured loan for Jaguar Land Rover
International estate administration
$235,000 damages awarded for lost earnings following a fall on a rental property (1)
£30 million supermarket acquisition for Aviva Investors
£30,000 secured for pedestrian hit by car in garage forecourt
£48,000 plus legal costs for holidaymaker struck by falling ladder at Mauritius hotel
£75,000 settlement for claim against negligent private orthopaedic surgeon
£9,000 claim settlement for yoga student following negligent instruction
€1.5 million settlement for pedestrian hit by car in Belgium
007 partwork magazine
A good return for tennis court injury
A rare grant of discretionary leave
Achieving a substantial oversailing bonus from hotel developers
Acquisition of international luxury travel operator
Acting for an offshore trust
Acting for Royal Air Forces Association trustees on scheme closure project
Actor gets permission to work in the UK on short notice
Advertising on the web
Support for cyclist injured in car collision
Advising European pension providers on indirect investment funds
Advising European transport company on High Court claim
Advising furniture supplier on economic tort claim
Advising international engineering company on intra-company transfers
Advising major UK company on the revocation of its sponsor licence
Advising major UK corporate on pensions merger and reduction of its PPF levy
Advising metal trading client Westbrook Resources in Court of Appeal
Advising Moët Hennessy on exclusive exhibition
Advising on re-design of Farnborough International's website
Advising on refinancing of leading Canary Wharf office development
Advising on retailer insolvencies
Advising on sale of medical products specialist to US market leader
Advising specialist storage integrator on contract terms
Advising suppliers on the G-Cloud and Sprint ii procurement framework terms
Advising travel underwriters
Advising US lawyers on claim against French company
Alternative dispute resolution techniques
Amputation following podiatric surgery
Appeal win following refusal of spouse visa
Appeal win in domestic violence case
Approval of complex EEA permanent residence application
Asphyxia and neurological damage from mismanaged labour
Austrian ski trip has life changing consequences
Banking sector distress call
Bermuda work permit policy
Brachial plexus injuries
Brain damage following delay in diagnosing signs of heart attack
Brain injury caused by ambulance crew
Brand protection for IT companies
Car rental promotions: a clear road ahead
Care home compromise
Child's asphyxia from blocked ventilation tube
Child's brain damage from excessive glucose
Civil penalty notices overturned
Claim against health visitor for missed congenital abnormality
Claim against hospital for mismanagement of ACL injury
Claim against osteopath and radiologist for missed stress fracture
Claim for brain-injured road accident victim against garage which repaired her car
Claim settled for gardener who died following injuries caused by falling tree
Claim won against tour operator who booked excursion for injured guest
Claim won for guest shot in his hotel room by an intruder
Claimant wins damages in Spain after drowning incident in pool
Compensation for employee injured by defective lift
Compensation for injuries sustained by driver through unsafe working practices
Compensation for recovery patrolman injured on motorway hard shoulder
Compensation for serious injuries following skiing accident in France
Compensation for woman hit by drunk driver
Complex case support service
Conditions of practice order imposed for repeated failure to inform patient about test results
Construction worker awarded €1.25 million following drink drive accident
Contesting US hospital fees for travel underwriters
Corporate support on purchase of distressed asset
Cost saving intervention in claim against liquidator
Counteracting professional negligence to ensure successful Egyptian claim
Covering all the bases in fire station PFI scheme
Creating distribution agreements for Tata Motors
Cruise ends in baggage area collision
Daily dialogue with the Traffic Commissioner's office
Damage to eggs in the laboratory
Damages after surgeon fails to remove ectopic pregnancy
Damages for bereaved family following Italian car accident
Damages for recovery patrolman injured while fixing a vehicle
Damages for security guard who fell down an uncovered manhole
Damages for victim of early morning collision potentially contributed to by farming contractor
Damages of £33,000 payable by snowboarder’s insurers for injuries caused to skier
Damages recovered following development of compartment syndrome
Data protected!
Data protection risks
Day to day advice on licence applications
Decision reversed in Guatemalan adoption
Defending a multi-million pound claim for Europe’s biggest airline
Delay in diagnosing bacterial meningitis
Delay in diagnosing viral meningitis
Delay in excising basal cell carcinoma
Delay in operating on patient with suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES)
Delayed diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration
Delayed diagnosis of meningioma
Delayed diagnosis of prostate cancer
Delayed diagnosis of tumour
Destruction of embryos in error
Development funding for Aviva Investors
Direct marketing: let's drink to that
Drafting and advising on the takeover of an international college
Driving development
Driving forward the sale of automotive spares distributor
Early discharge following appendicectomy
Eco friendly car design investment
Education focus - the difference is in the detail
Employee suspended following allegations of dishonesty
Enabling a haulage company to keep using its operating centre
Energy saving recommendations
Entrapment injury
Error on entry clearance endorsement
European law solution to continued employment
Expedited tier 2 application
Failure to act on suspected testicular torsion
Failure to consider available alternatives to hysterectomy and loss of kidney function as a result
Failure to diagnose bacterial meningitis
Failure to diagnose cervical instability
Failure to diagnose Cushing's disease
Failure to diagnose deep venous thrombosis
Failure to diagnose fracture of the humerus properly
Failure to diagnose infection following carpal tunnel surgery
Failure to diagnose muscle rupture
Failure to diagnose sub-acute bacterial endocarditis
Failure to fix orthopaedic fracture properly
Failure to identify and correct error in bowel surgery
Failure to identify bleeding following heart surgery
Failure to investigate and treat testicular torsions properly
Failure to investigate/diagnose Cauda Equina Syndrome
Failure to keep good records leads to conditional registration for 15 months
Failure to manage a bone infection after treating a fractured leg
Failure to manage complications following a caesarean section
Failure to monitor patient following excision of brain tumour
Failure to recognise risks of deep vein thromboses
Failure to resuscitate and to operate properly
Failure to suspect ectopic pregnancy
Failure to treat orthopaedic injuries properly - scaphoid fractures
Failures to act on test results
Fatal colorectal cancer
Fatal delay in diagnosing ovarian cancer
Fatal delay in diagnosing renal cancer
Fatal effect of failing to recognise acute myocardial infarction
Fatal surgical error in gall bladder removal
Firefighters on TV
First tier 1 (entrepreneur) entrepreneurial team
Fishing on film: interactive TV
Fitness to practise panel takes registrant’s efforts to change into consideration
From 007 to Dr Who: acquiring the rights
Getting the most from Big Data
Health centre development
Healthcare provider guilty of misconduct
High Court VAT appeals
Highly Trusted Status (HTS) refusal overturned
Holiday dancing routine leads to legal action
Holidaymaker seriously injured falling from a horse wins £50,000 in damages
Human rights claim in asylum case
Inappropriate prostatectomy and negligent surgery
Injured holidaymaker in Kenya wins claim against Kuoni Travel for garden accident
Injury caused in theatre
Injury sustained in Moroccan boat trip accident results in damages of £65K
Injury to bowel as a result of negligent use of laparoscopic ports
International arbitration
Intervening in a Central London rent review
Introducing expert evidence in air conditioning systems claim
IP audits
Italian sightseeing incident leads to claim against local authority
Italian waiter awarded €2.65 million after hospital misdiagnosed bacterial meningitis
Jeep crash mars Indian tiger trek
Late diagnosis of polyhydramnios results in traumatic birth
Law Society Intervention Panel appointment
Lights out at cinema exit lead to compensation for injuries
Loss of an eye following delayed diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy
Making the break - overcoming distribution warehouse dispute
Making the connection between cross-border technology companies
Man receives settlement for head injuries sustained in accident on pedestrian crossing
Managing changing requirements in schools PFI project
Managing service charge issues and arrears
Mediating to resolve the breakdown in the relationship between two HE providers
Medication error during labour leads to emergency caesarean
Meeting multiple retail challenges
Mismanagement of ear infection leading to visual loss
Mismanagement of ectopic pregnancies
Mismanagement of suspected ectopic pregnancy
Moped crash in Greece
Morphine overdose
Mother's incontinence as a result of treatment during labour
Motorcyclist injured in collision with van driver wins £50,000 in damages
Multi-defendant claim settled before trial
Multiparty software licensing
Multiple road traffic convictions amount to serious professional misconduct
Negligence in face lift surgery
Negligent breast augmentation
Negligent breast reduction surgery
Negligent delay in diagnosing breast cancer
Negligent failure to diagnose ankle fracturehome to attend physiotherapy
Negligent knee replacement surgery
Negligent spinal surgery
Negligent surgery on anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
Negligent surgery to correct rotated thigh bone
Negligent surgery to fix tibial fracture
Negligent treatment of diabetic foot ulcer
Negligently performed rhinoplasty
Negotiating a settlement for private hospital dispute
Negotiation and restructuring to avoid administration
No time to waste
Novated contract
Obtaining validation order
Optical MBO acquisition
Orthopaedic infection claim
Out-of-court settlement for client who lost thumb tip due to delay in treatment
Overcoming limitation problems in industrial building dispute
Overturning of entry clearance refusal
Panel warns registrant following failure to refer patient for further investigation
Patient’s last viable embryo transferred to another woman
Pedestrian hit by falling metal hoarding wins damages
Perineal repair following childbirth
Permission to remain
Pipeline mediation
Plans to expand dairy business approved at public inquiry
Praise from the Traffic Commissioner for our client’s model transport operation
Precedent setting group litigation order
Prescribing overdose
Preventing dishonest solicitor from being restored to the roll
Prioritising security in student accommodation contract
Prohibited names order
Protecting a coach company from misrepresentation by a competitor
Protecting a private college from foreign students' non-compliance with visa requirements
Pub customer awarded compensation for injuries caused by fall on icy car park
Pub waitress injured by falling gas canister
Quick tier 2 sponsor licence turnaround and exceptional restricted CoS request
Reading Pop Festival sale
Record recovery
Recovering damages in professional negligence claim
Registrant removed from register for making false entries in clinical records
Regulator postpones judgment in recognition of drug user’s personal circumstances
Representing bereaved fiancée of hit and run victim
Reprimand for registrant who failed to pay annual fees
Residential possession proceedings to allow redevelopment
Rhinoplasty damages client's nose and affects her appearance
Sale of commercial water systems specialist ensures its future development
Sale of leading legal software supplier
Sale of University of Surrey fibre optics sensing technology company
Saving money for civil engineering company
Scalding injury to patient left unattended in hospital
Securing freehold purchase of car dealership
Serious criminal convictions lead to removal from register
Serious fall from roof wins damages from both employer and corporate occupier
Setting up a sports park for the University of Surrey
Settlement achieved in disputed blue run ski collision
Settlement against hospital trust following neonatal death
Settlement for elderly woman who tripped on car park drain cover
Settlement for lady who tripped over broken paving stone
Settlement for pressure sores caused by negligent nursing care
Settlement for US health and safety breaches
Settlement negotiated with employer for young tree surgeon trapped under falling tree
Settlement of claim against hospital for tragic death of young mother
Settlement of more than £1.1 million for driver of car involved in fatal collision with skip lorry
Severe injuries after paragliding lesson
Severe reprimand for breaking the boundary between professional and personal relationships
Sponsor licence obtained at short notice
Steering a path through assignment maze
Student wins compensation from landlord for injuries caused by broken window
Substantial claim for delayed breast cancer diagnosis
Substantial compensation achieved for negligent total knee replacement
Substantial compensation for motorcyclist after road accident in Germany
Substantial damages for tragic influenza misdiagnosis
Substantial settlement for family following fatal road traffic accident
Substantial settlement for young man severely brain injured after car accident
Successful application for leave to enter
Successful challenge to Traffic Commissioner’s procedural decision
Successful claim against hospital for preventable bowel perforation
Successful compensation claim for crush injuries sustained at Canadian airport
Successful conclusion to High Court grazing rights claim
Successful defence of RCVS in appeal before Privy Council
Successful restoration to the register
Successfully defending claim on behalf of insurer
Supermarket defects
Supermarket employee awarded £20,000 in damages for chest injuries
Supervising multi-faceted bank recovery claim
Supporting CGU International Insurance
Supporting multi-national business on UK restructuring
Suspension for registrant who allowed a non-qualified person to undertake work
Swab retained post-operatively
Temporary suspension of registrant for serious professional misconduct
Ten year ban to enter the UK overturned
Tendon damage during podiatric surgery
Tendon damage leads to extensive surgery and long term pain
The rogue overseas collaboration partner
Three month suspension for failure to undertake clinical procedure
Three year conditional registration order for failure to keep records
Tier 1 (general) switch from work permit
Tier 2 (general) leave to remain refusal overturned
Tier 2 and tier 4 sponsor licences reinstated in six days
Tier 2 intra-company transfer (ICT) approval for self employed individual
Tier 4 licence suspensions overturned
Tour operator found negligent after terrifying conclusion to African holiday
Trust admits negligence for failure to identify Crohn's Disease
Two daughters injured by driver while cycling with their father
Using mediation to resolve long-running business dispute
Vet struck off for falsification of bovine tuberculosis test results
Winning a loss of use claim for a European coach company
Work permit reinstated by immigration judge
Young woman hit by motorbike wins substantial damages
Compensation secured for an employee mechanic following serious head injury
Settlement of £105,000 for emergency breakdown service call handler
Claim for financial provision from estate by adult son
Validity of a codicil
Rectifying an incorrectly drafted deed
Executor's role in claims for financial provision from an estate
Application to amend a statutory will
Defending a claim that a gifted property was held on trust for son's stepfather
Removal of trustees and personal representatives
Defending brothers' claim that a property was held on trust
Validity of wills, testamentary capacity and undue influence
Assessing liability for costs in will disputes
Setting aside a mistaken transfer of property into trust
Lost wills and conspiracy to suppress a will
Defending High Court claim on behalf of vulnerable client
Expert prerogative in shareholder dispute
Charity Commission inquiry
Long-standing service to the Tata Group
A&E misses scaphoid fracture of wrist
Successful application for indefinite leave to remain on the grounds of long residence, despite excessive absences
Negligent management of bilateral wrist fractures in pensioner
Damages agreed against Frimley Park Hospital for negligence resulting in pressure sores
Death of mother and baby at East Surrey Hospital
Settlement of claim for delayed diagnosis of DVT
Claim against NHS Direct for misdiagnosis and treatment of swine flu
Claim settled for widower of patient with negligent delay in cancer diagnosis
Compensation following plastic tubing ‘never event’ during weight loss surgery
Settlement for stroke resulting from Legionnaire’s Disease during cancer treatment
Settlement for death following avoidable hospital fall
Settlement of claim for incorrect surgery used on hallux valgus deformity leaving permanent disability
Delay in diagnosis of recurrence of breast cancer
Settlement of claim relating to gastric banding procedure – failure to warn of and manage complications
Claim against South London Healthcare NHS Trust for death following a hospital fall
Settlement of fatal claim from cholesteatoma arising out of failure of ENT team to investigate
Group action by Italian holiday home purchasers against solicitors
Advance fee fraud leaves Bulgarian holiday homes unbuilt
Claims for victims of fraudulent mortgage brokers Ponzi scheme
Fraudulent gold ATM scheme leaves investors out of pocket
Successful claim for patient with retained wire after hip resurfacing surgery
Claim settled against Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust for broken arm after falling from a bed
Settlement of head injury claim for pedestrian hit by a car
Substantial compensation for delay in treating serious elbow injury
Claim settled against Kingston University Hospital for failure to identify retained products of conception
Liability finally admitted for failure of ACL reconstruction surgery
Claim relating to poor nursing care and development of avoidable pressure sores
Settlement for nerve damage suffered by top athlete after surgeon’s failure to advise of spinal surgery risks
Claim settled for patient who suffered stressful pregnancy due to delayed diagnosis of polyhydramnios
Settlement secured for young boy following ankle injury
Investigation into failed face and neck lift
Significant award for injury sustained during surgical removal of a catheter
Claim for haemorrhaging following negligent removal of a Redivac drain
Settlement of claim for failure to recognise ongoing hyperstimulation in labour
Chemical burns caused by wrong fluid used by GP during nail ablation procedure
Snowboarding accident ends pursuit of Olympic dream
Transatlantic product liability claim reaches satisfactory conclusion
Seven figure settlement for spinal injuries sustained during visit to Bruges
Miami beauty appointment ends in emergency medical treatment
Damages for burns caused by IPL hair removal treatment
Settlement of claim for failure by A&E department to diagnose fractured radius
£35,000 settlement following failure to release subclavian artery during surgery
Death of baby due to incorrect insertion of long line causing pericardial tamponade
Liability admitted by hospital for negligent delay in diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Substantial award for blindness caused by failure to assess a foreign body in the eye
Last minute consultation leads to unsuccessful breast implant surgery
Bed bug outbreak has lengthy repercussions
Investigations into potentially negligent obstetric care resulting in miscarriage
Bariatric surgery has far-reaching consequences
Poorly performed evisceration surgery
Settlement of claim for inadequate nursing care provided to dementia patient
Settlement of claim for damage to radial artery during surgery for wrist fracture
Potentially overzealous laser treatment for narrow angles
Settlement of claim against GP for vitamin D overprescription resulting in seizures
Settlement of claim after clinical trial of Endologix Fenestrated Ventana Stent Graft
Complications from abdominal surgery leading to loss of eyesight
Facial burn caused by drill over-heating leads to permanent scarring
Settlement of claim against dermatologist following facial laser treatment
Settlement for dementia patient who suffered serious fracture after avoidable fall
Damages for new mother injured shortly after giving birth
Elderly patient put at greater risk of falling through healthcare assistant's inadequate training
Negligent elderly care highlighted after tragic hospital incident
Claim agreed against trust for facial injuries caused by fall
Successful claim against GP for failure to diagnose an Achilles tendon rupture
Severe pelvic fractures suffered by Good Samaritan
Substantial compensation for young RAF pilot
Upper limb amputation due to head on collision
Settlement for woman doubled after change of approach
Damages awarded to motorcyclist with 'no case'
Compensation secured for spinal injury claimant despite early setback
Damages for patient injured due to negligently performed bowel surgery at St Richards Hospital
£650,000 damages won for injuries arising from Endologix stent clinical trial
Damages obtained for client who suffered retained swab during caesarean section
Claim settled against gynaecology team for failure to advise on hysterectomy options and incomplete oophorectomy
Claim for patients death following delay in diagnosis and management of infection
Sizeable payout after French car accident ends work sabbatical
Damages for injuries sustained to radial artery during negligent wrist surgery at East Surrey Hospital
Damages for cyclists pelvic and psychological injuries due to actions of another cyclist
Claim settled for failure to advise properly on options for management of wrist fracture
Passenger receives compensation for ship doctor's misdiagnosis
Passenger with limited mobility sustains leg injury on airport tarmac
Homeward bound passenger fractures arm following departure gate slip
Child scalded by cabin crew member receives sizeable damages
Compensation secured for jogger knocked down by car
Settlement of claim against private cosmetic surgeon for negligent dermal filler treatment
Woman injured by neighbour's dogs while trying to protect her own
Marathon runner secures settlement from negligent dog owner
Teenager awarded compensation after riding accident involving unsuitable horse
Delayed treatment for wet macular degeneration
£25k damages recovered for avoidable pressure sores
Settlement for breast cancer patient whose symptoms were missed by consultant
Full apology for negligent treatment of patient with ectopic pregnancy
Claim settled for bowel injury suffered during subtotal hysterectomy due to misplacement of equipment
Claim settled for injury suffered due to slippery floor in the workplace
Claim settled against GP for delayed kidney cancer diagnosis
Claim settled against Yeovil District Hospital for mismanagement of diabetes leading to death
Manufacturer resolves supply chain disputes
Tata-Boeing joint venture establishes aerospace facility in Hyderabad
Compensation secured from MIB for London cyclist injured by uninsured driver
Successful claim against hotel chain
Settlement for elderly woman injured in hotel room
Legal action for cyclist injured while not wearing a helmet
Serious accident after cycle shop fails to carry out repairs properly
Successful recovery following fatal cycling accident
Compensation for man knocked off his bike during morning commute
Award for triathlete despite driver’s denial of liability for accident
Claim settled for failing to properly assess risks of normal delivery and to advise on option of Caesarean section
Compensation for delayed diagnosis leading to a ruptured appendix
Claim for failure to advise on options available for removal of patient’s appendix
Negligence in diagnosis of child’s appendicitis
Claim for surgical errors during laparoscopic appendicectomy
Claim for failure to identify and investigate risk of significant genetic condition during pregnancy
Claim against dive centre following spinal decompression sickness
Claim settled against Northwick Park Hospital for failings in the management of a shoulder dislocation
Claim settled against Isle of Wight NHS Trust for failing to advise patient of Cauda Equina Syndrome symptoms
Case settled against Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust for negligent care provided by Miss Jayne Cockburn
Claim against surgeon for leaving haemostatic material in the spinal canal and failing to respond to clear signs of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Claim for knee replacement surgery with no prospect of success
Damages following negligent removal of retained products of conception
£350,000 settlement for delayed diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip
Claim for delayed diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Compensation for husband of elderly woman who died after a fall in hospital while unattended
Settlement for deaf patients family following gynaecologists negligence
Damages for patients husband after tragic delay in diagnosing lung cancer
Expert evidence assists claim for delayed diagnosis of Muir-Torre syndrome
Compensation after anaesthetist injects nerve block to wrong side of neck
Claim against NHS trust for delayed diagnosis of skin cancer
Substantial damages for negligent management of foot fracture
Compensation for unnecessary surgery by consultant gynaecologist Jayne Cockburn
Revision cosmetic surgery required after poorly performed ENT procedure
Compensation for driver who suffered serious head injuries in collision
Substantial compensation for Alton Towers crash victim
Dependency claim brought by family of grandfather who died in a road accident
Six figure award for motorcyclist hit by a van
Compensation sought by patient left with scars after face lift surgery
Settlement against trust following delayed gallbladder cancer diagnosis
Settlement for negligent management of fractured finger
Compensation for family of elderly woman who died after falling in a care home
Damages for elderly woman who sustained a serious leg injury while her husband was driving
ACL reconstruction surgery leads to £85,000 compensation for injured client
Settlement of claim for delayed diagnosis of foot fracture
Damages for ophthalmic surgery performed without patient consent
Damages for family of motorist killed in collision with lorry driver
Settlement following delay in operating on fractured cheek bone
Damages awarded against Frimley Park Hospital for unwarranted gynaecological surgery
Substantial settlement for young man injured in head-on collision
Settlement achieved for mother following mismanaged shoulder dystocia during childs birth
Damages for doctors negligence during urinary catheterisation procedure
Claim settled against NHS trust for two incorrect diagnoses of patients dislocated shoulder
Permanent symptoms following failure to diagnose an obvious infection in the shoulder post-operatively
Successful claim after hospitals failure to act on early diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Delayed diagnosis of ruptured Achilles tendon following aerobics injury
Development of acute renal failure caused by inadequate management of antibiotics
Stillbirth and the loss of a newborn baby
Development of cellulitis and necrosis following delayed treatment for an insect bite
Delayed diagnosis of osteoarthritis in the hips following unnecessary knee surgery
Six figure settlement for negligently performed endoscopic sinus surgery
Claim for negligent breast reduction surgery resulting in significant over-reduction and asymmetry
Claim for failure to implement patient consent rules before removing appendix
Failure to diagnose bile leak following a routine operation
Claim against GPs for delayed diagnosis of lung cancer due to failure to investigate patients cough
Settlement for delayed diagnosis of new mothers Cauda Equina Syndrome
Successful claim against Kingston Hospital for negligent delay in diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Claims against multiple advisers on opting out of British Steel pension
Compensation for patient treated by breast surgeon Ian Paterson
Failure to recognise signs of sepsis resulting in delayed diagnosis of meningitis
Negligence by midwifery team leading to kernicterus brain damage
Settlement for failure to investigate lung abnormality resulting in terminal diagnosis
Successful claim against GP for failure to suspect developing Cauda Equina Syndrome
Substantial settlement for loss of sight caused during spinal surgery
Settlement achieved for damage to phrenic nerve during aortic valve replacement surgery
Claim for failure to diagnose and treat chronic periodontitis
Settlement of Cauda Equina Syndrome claim for man in his fifties for 690,000
Significant claim for cyclist who suffered brain injury following hit and run accident
£27 million settlement for cerebral palsy caused by birth injury at London hospital
Compensation secured for elderly pedestrian who suffered life-changing injuries in road accident
Settlement against two GPS for delayed diagnosis of bowel cancer
Settlement for elderly client who suffered a fall in hospital due to supervision failure
Claim settled for breast cancer patient who was misinformed about the type of cancer she had developed
Challenge to retirement age decision for emergency workers
Negligent appendicectomy involving failure to remove entire appendix
Admission of liability for failure to remove entire appendix during surgery
Further case settled against Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust following negligent care provided by gynaecologist Jayne Cockburn
Settlement of claim for negligent hip replacement surgery
GP misstatement leads to Rhesus disease in pregnancy
Case settled after surgeon fails to obtain consent for positioning of breast implants
Settlement obtained for negligently performed chest surgery to correct deformity
Compensation for novel medial patellofemoral ligament repair surgery
Claim settled for client who suffered a permanent neurological injury caused by acute morphine withdrawal
Claim settled for five month delay in diagnosis of osteosarcoma
Settlement achieved against private consultant following delayed gallbladder surgery
17 million settlement for child with cerebral palsy caused by negligent care at birth
2 million award achieved for hospitals failure to identify ankle fracture
Settlement for negligent nerve damage during orthopaedic surgery
Settlement against NHS trust following delayed diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Settlement for bereaved family following hospitals failure to administer critical medication
Compensation for ex soldier injured in a collision on a country lane
Claim for the avoidable death of young baby due to failure to monitor his mother correctly
Settlement secured for child burnt with phenol acid during toenail avulsion
Compensation for significant burns following negligent liposuction procedure
Negligent delay in diagnosing thyroid cancer
Compensation for negligent hip replacement surgery using incorrectly matched components
Further admission received over a failure to remove entire appendix during surgery
Damages after surgeon failed to order correct components for hip replacement surgery
Settlement against Hampshire hospital for negligent insertion of transvaginal tape
Claim settled for patient who was not advised of option for surgery that would have avoided her developing terminal cancer
Settlement for family of woman who received negligent care while suffering from endometrial cancer
Clarifying the law on constructive total losses
Pivotal role in recovery of multi-million euro grounding and repair claim
The Maersk Karachi - a multi-faceted maritime claim
Piecing together evidence on Asian Chorus car carrier fire
Court of Appeal ruling on payment of hire clauses and renunciation of charterparty
Damages obtained after A&E practitioners fail to diagnose and treat ruptured Achilles tendon
Settlement achieved for negligent use of compression bandages resulting in severe blistering
Damages for patient who lost sight in one eye following retinal detachment surgery
Compensation for delayed treatment of patient's femoral nerve palsy
140 000 claim settled for unnecessary surgery to insert vaginal mesh
Damages won for chronic pain suffered by claimant for unnecessary vaginal mesh surgery
Claim won for young woman with life-changing injuries caused by unnecessary use of vaginal mesh
Settlement of claim for delayed diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome for man in his fifties
Claim against hospital for injuries caused by negligent circumcision
Settlement for patient whose delay in treatment for wet AMD caused irreversible loss of eyesight
7.75 million award for cerebral palsy caused by delay in diagnosis of meningitis following Group B strep infection
Settlement for delayed diagnosis of ovarian cancer following catalogue of administrative errors
Damages awarded following misdiagnosis of ruptured biceps tendon
£600,000 claim settled against Royal Surrey County Hospital for failure to diagnose shoulder fracture
Settlement against Spire Healthcare for injury sustained following gastric bypass reversal surgery
Compensation of £185,000 awarded for series of needless urogynaecological procedures
Settlement for patient who suffered facial burn during wisdom tooth extraction surgery
Settlement against Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust for negligent insertion of transvaginal tape
Settlement for haemorrhage and lasting psychological symptoms caused by retained products of conception
Moped rider who suffered lower limb amputation as a result of a road traffic accident wins compensation
Delay in diagnosing hip dysplasia in young child
Settlement for patient who suffered loss of sight following hospital’s failure to report orbital X-ray correctly
Claim settled against hospital for tragic stillbirth following medical failings
Settlement against hospital trust for delay in performing appendectomy
Developing and implementing a subsidiary-parent structure for a small housing association
Acting for both housing associations in Midlands merger
Joint legal advisers for merger of North West housing associations
Regulatory engagement and group structure reorganisation
Midlands housing association group consolidation
Integrating a non-registered charitable housing vehicle (non-RP) with a housing association
Claim settled for elderly lady who fell while in care
Setting up a joint venture between a housing association and a local authority
Creating a joint venture between a housing association and a commercial contractor
Corporate structuring advice to deliver housing association diversification
North East housing association group restructure
Claim settled for missed myocardial infarction
£9 million in damages secured for road accident victim with life-changing spinal injury
£14.5 million High Court settlement after French road accident
Damages settlement of £2.5 million for negligent laser eye surgery
Compensation of £82,500 for negligent surgery resulting in retained appendix stump
Settlement of claim for hearing loss and cognitive injury caused by pneumococcal meningitis
Compensation awarded following hypoxic ischemic brain injury sustained at birth despite brain cooling therapy
Energy services agreement negotiated for construction of CHP facility
Resolving a network charging dispute on behalf of a generator
Co-authoring a briefing paper on licence exemptions relating to generating and selling electricity
Advising stakeholders in the energy sector on commercial and regulatory issues
Removal of abdominal tumour leads to substantial settlement for damage to femoral nerve
Compensation received following negligent gallbladder surgery
Settlement of claim for delayed investigation and diagnosis of Cauda Equina Syndrome leading to permanent disability
Settlement for client who suffered ongoing problems in her left foot following negligent bunion surgery
Substantial settlement following an osteotomy, corrective surgery and a total knee replacement
£80,000 settlement secured for three unnecessary keyhole knee operations and negligent total knee replacement surgery
Settlement for client who underwent unnecessary knee procedures whilst under the care of private orthopaedic surgeon
Settlement for delayed diagnosis of subdural haematoma in elderly patient after a hospital fall
Claim settled for incorrect pancreatic cancer diagnosis resulting in major abdominal surgery
Compensation awarded for missed diagnosis of scaphoid fracture to the wrist
Substantial settlement for anal cancer patient following negligent surgery and other failings
Damages for brain injured international charity worker hit by car in south London
Claim against two London trusts for alleged delays in diagnosis and treatment of Achilles tendon rupture
£170,000 in damages for young man deprived of his videography career following motorcycling accident
Settlement reached for vulnerable adult who sustained injuries when a door closed on top of him
£170,000 in compensation from NHS trust for unwarranted vaginal mesh surgery
Compensation for misreported smear test that contributed to delayed diagnosis of cervical cancer
Damages awarded following delay in diagnosis of failed spinal fusion
Settlement for failure to seek consent for subtotal hysterectomy
Substantial settlement award achieved for delayed diagnosis of hip fracture
Settlement for negligent breast symmetrisation surgery at London hospital
Amputation following failure to act on patient’s critical limb ischaemia
Settlement of maternity care claim for mother following the stillbirth of a baby
Settlement for negligent catheter insertion at Hampshire hospital
Settlement reached for failure to diagnose multiple comminuted foot fractures
Maternal autonomy in childbirth settlement for excruciating suturing ordeal following vaginal delivery
Settlement of claim following the tragic death of a young girl from sepsis
Claim settled for brain injured mother following failure to prescribe medication after her caesarean
4 million clinical negligence settlement following above knee amputation
Settlement for young mother and teacher who sustained a brain injury and a severe psychological reaction in a three-car collision
Settlement for use of balloon catheter without consent
Settlement for a patient who suffered a back injury as a result of a fall
Settlement of claim for a breach of duty of care leading to a spinal cord injury (SCI)
Successful claim against hospital for death of mother following angiogram procedure
Claim settled against two GPs following failure to consider a longstanding diabetes diagnosis during telephone consultations, leading to diabetic ketoacidosis
Damages awarded in complex maxillofacial surgery case
Settlement of claim for patient with poorly managed intracerebral bleed, resulting in stroke
£225,000 in damages for failure to investigate breast cancer and obtain informed consent on treatment options
Settlement for bereaved family following failure to administer anticoagulant medication
Successful claim for failure to treat severe bone infection
Settlement for negligently performed right primary total knee replacement
Substantial seven figure settlement secured for claimant who suffered irreparable bladder injury
Compensation for the development and deterioration of pressure sores in elderly patient
Settlement for delayed diagnosis of brain tumour
Settlement for negligent delay in diagnosing and treating fallopian tube torsion
Compensation achieved for delayed diagnosis of ovarian torsion
Damages following baby's death as a result of placental abruption
Settlement of clinical negligence claim against oral and maxillofacial surgeon
Estate of deceased 43 year old awarded six figure settlement for failure to administer thrombolysis for pulmonary emboli
Claim relating to stroke suffered during embolisation procedure
£100,000 settlement for client who suffered complete loss of functional vision in left eye following surgery
Admission of liability over failure to perform MRI scan on patient with Cauda Equina Syndrome
Six-figure settlement agreed for claimant following unnecessary knee surgery
Settlement for patient who suffered loss of sight following hospital’s failure to diagnose and treat giant cell arteritis
Settlement for negligently performed cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal)
Damages recovered for pedestrian hit by car when crossing road in Spain
Compensation for severe burns following canal boat accident in France
Settlement secured for bereaved family after mother suffered fatal stroke
Negligence claim for client paralysed by avoidable stroke due to untreated high blood pressure
Claim for failure to treat hepatitis C leading to liver cancer
Failure to remove placenta at caesarean section leading to post-partum haemorrhage
Paediatric claim for a child left brain-injured after seizures
Six-figure damages for injury to ureter during a caesarean section
Claim settled for lumbar spine injury following physiotherapy manipulation
Settlement achieved following negligent delay in treating appendicitis
Settlement achieved for bereaved family following failure to diagnose and treat patient’s prostate cancer
Six-figure settlement for family following failure to diagnose and treat deceased mother’s ankle infection
Out of court settlement for a substandard appendectomy
Damages for psychiatric injury following mismanagement of young woman’s miscarriage
Client secures settlement for negligent shoulder injury following vaccine administration
Ukraine war insurance losses
Compensation claim for failure to investigate ruptured aneurysm leading to brain haemorrhage
Significant damages achieved for patient who lost sight during routine cataract surgery
Negligence admitted after failure to treat major seizure in young child leading to hypoxic brain injury
Successful Cauda Equina claim against Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust for serious neurological injuries
Using technology to assist marine casualty investigations
Navigating the challenges of marine salvage operations
Acting decisively in personal injury claims and regulatory and criminal investigations
Damages secured for failure to treat a life-threatening cardiac condition following heart surgery
£9 million birth injury award arising out of failure to respond to CTG monitoring after reduced fetal movements
Settlement of claim for elderly patient injured after GP prescription error
Damages of £1.44 million secured for client with spinal cord injury following trial win
Avoidable death from failure to diagnose and treat sepsis
Substantial settlement in excess of £30 million achieved for brain injury at birth following hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice
Successful claim against Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust for negligent A&E treatment after dog bite
£14.1 million birth injury award achieved following failure to offer an earlier caesarean section
Clinical negligence claim settled against Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for cannulation failings resulting in extravasation injury
Successful settlement against NHS trust following delayed diagnosis of epidural abscess
Life after settlement: one year on from settling a £10.96 million claim for a child with cerebral palsy
Significant damages recovered as a result of failure to avoid in utero injury
Brain damage due to attempts to disimpact the fetal head following a delay in delivery
Personal injury claim settled against Admiral for cyclist injured in road traffic collision
Settlement of fatal sepsis claim following failure to accurately report CT scan, leading to delay in life-saving surgery
Wrongful birth claim for mother of baby born with Patau’s syndrome
Claim against GP for missed diagnosis of sepsis after his failure to recognise severity of young man’s condition
Seven-figure settlement secured for failure to diagnose and treat post-partum haemorrhage
Settlement achieved for client who suffered cardiac arrest after reporting chest pain to her GP
Settlement achieved following negligent death of elderly patient in hospital
Successful claim for injury caused by use of non-dissolvable sutures to repair vaginal tear sustained during childbirth
Settlement agreed against private surgeon for complications following laser skin treatment
Seven-figure settlement agreed for young girl with brain damage caused at birth
Seven-figure damages approved for hypoxic brain injury at birth claim following court judgment
Settlement for injuries caused by transvaginal tape inserted without proper consent
Case settled following fatal missed diagnosis of acute aortic dissection
Settlement of a complex neurology claim for a young child
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