Whether a trust company is owned by a financial institution or independently, trustees are facing increasingly complex challenges such as local regulation, taxation, fiduciary duties, conflicts, warring beneficiaries, litigation and international issues.

The private client team at Penningtons Manches Cooper has an established reputation for advising professional trustees on the wide array of problems with which they have to deal.  From our junior associates through to our instantly recognisable partners who have a formidable reputation in the private wealth industry, we are all specialist lawyers with significant fiduciary experience.

Our team prides itself on providing cost-effective, pragmatic solutions in a timely manner.  Whether you require cutting edge tax planning or simple solutions to achieve a cost- effective solution to a fiduciary issue, we have the resources and skills to ensure that trustees can partner with us to provide a seamless service for the benefit of their clients, shareholders or beneficiaries.

We offer expert advice on:

  • fiduciary duties
  • trustees dealing with non-standard assets and trading entities
  • litigation
  • local regulation
  • minimising exposure to liabilities
  • tax planning

Recent work highlights

Mitigation of tax liabilities

Working with US fiduciaries on possible strategies to utilise the US tax residence of one primary beneficiary to mitigate tax liabilities on the termination of two trusts, in particular those affecting UK beneficiaries.

Reorganisation of family trust structure

Advising trustees on the reorganisation of a family trust structure for a proposed IPO of a household name business held as part of the trust fund. The business expects to list at a value of US$1 billion.

Extraction of director from UN sanctioned BVI company

Working with the regulators of three jurisdictions and advising a trust company to successfully extract a director from the board of a BVI company owned by a family subject to sanctions by the United Nations.

Related expertise

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP