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Penningtons Manches Cooper's multi-disciplinary team provides practical, commercial guidance for financial institutions, borrowers, companies, insolvency practitioners, directors, individuals, creditors, pension trustees and other insolvency stakeholders. We advise on the full spectrum of restructuring, insolvency, bankruptcy and recovery.

Our team's expertise covers all types of contentious and non-contentious restructurings and insolvencies. We actively apply the sector capabilities of our real estate, retail, travel, hotels and leisure, technology, healthcare and pensions groups, enabling us to provide pragmatic market insight along with our specialist advice.

We work closely with financial institutions, directors, shareholders, insolvency practitioners, creditors and other insolvency stakeholders to find workable solutions to clients seeking financial, trading or operational restructuring and insolvency guidance.

Whilst overseeing the legal issues in a restructuring, we also focus on the needs of the business, its managers, owners, lenders, and employees and work hard to deliver solutions which take into account the concerns of all the organisation’s key stakeholders. Our lawyers have established long-standing relationships with a variety of financial institutions, banks and funds which can assist both businesses and individuals to manage and survive their problems.

In addition to supporting clients across the UK, our team frequently advises on a wide variety of cross-border transactions and recoveries, with a particular focus on organisations in mainland Europe, the US, Far East, India and Russia.

We offer expert advice on:

  • debt and equity restructuring and refinancing
  • solvent and insolvent reorganisations and schemes of arrangement, formal or informal credit arrangements and company voluntary arrangements (CVAs)
  • accelerated mergers and acquisitions, pre-packaged administrations, administrations, voluntary and compulsory liquidations
  • bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs)
  • partnership disputes and insolvency
  • distressed debt trading and exits
  • security priority and improvement
  • debt and asset recovery, retention of title, trust and other creditor claims
  • employee and pension issues
  • landlord and tenant positions
  • intellectual property rights
  • key customer and supplier insolvency protection

Recent work highlights

Sale through scheme of arrangement

Advising the Brightside Group, an AIM listed insurance broker with 1,000 employees, on its complex £127 million solvent sale through a scheme of arrangement and share capital reduction effected restructuring.

Retail group refinancing

Acting for London based fashion chain All Saints on a £107 million debt and equity restructuring and refinancing as well as dealing with outstanding issues relating to former shareholders and suppliers.

Cross-border reorganisation for games distributor

Advising the Winning Moves Group, which produces family favourite games such as Monopoly, Top Trumps and Rubik’s Cube, on French, US and UK reorganisations, a German restructuring and an aggressive cross-border dispute relating to various subsidiaries.

Related expertise

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP