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Our multi-disciplinary, cross-office team is a key player in the technology sector. Given its rapid and relentless evolution, we ensure we possess the very latest knowledge both of the industry and the legislation that regulates and controls it.

Penningtons Manches Cooper is recognised as one of the leading technology-focused law firms in London as well as the Thames Valley and the East of England. Our in-depth knowledge, combined with our strong international offering, enables us to provide comprehensive support to clients operating globally. Members of our US group are particularly well connected to the Palo Alto/Silicon Valley technology community.

The technology sector encompasses a broad range of industries. Our lawyers align to these different areas through their specialist skills, which include expertise in information technology and telecommunications, manufacturing and engineering, digital business and cleantech and renewables.

We are heavily involved with tech start-ups through organisations such as Tech London Advocates, Tech City UK and the Department for International Trade and its UK Advisory Network (UKAN). We also support technology accelerator programmes.

We keep pace with the commercial and legal risks and opportunities affecting the technology sector. Our lawyers have experience of working in-house and on secondment in the public and private sector. We know how important it is to understand the client's technology, grasp issues quickly, and provide informed, pragmatic solutions. Our team has a strong track record in acting for customers procuring technology, suppliers providing technology solutions and intermediaries active in the sector.

In addition to our extensive experience of advising on all aspects of establishing, acquiring and funding corporate ventures, we are well placed to advise tech start-ups and high-growth businesses on their expansion in the UK.

We offer expert advice on:

Recent work highlights

4G mobile wireless company acquisition

Acting for u-blox AG, a Swiss-listed fabless provider, on its acquisition of 4M Wireless, which develops cutting edge mobile wireless software. As part of the corporate acquisition process, we provided commercial due diligence advice.

Clean water patent support

Advising Voltea, a Unilever spin-out company, on its patent portfolio in relation to water purification systems, including negotiating complex letters of intent with suppliers, joint venture agreements with partners and contracts with potential customers.

Silicon activity

Representing Nexeon, a leading Imperial College spin-out which is developing silicon anodes for Li-ion batteries, on various joint development and other commercial agreements relating to the development of its silicon technology.

See more detailed case studies

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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP