Beyond the code podcast: The legalities of AI

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Welcome to ‘Beyond the code podcast: the legalities of AI’ where we delve into the fascinating realm of cutting-edge technology and its relationship with the complexities of the legal world. As artificial intelligence continues to reshape industries, we invite you to explore the implications it poses for individuals and organisations not only in the UK but also across Europe and the globe.

Led by our technology sector team, each episode of our podcast will look at AI's impact on businesses, governments, and society at large. We'll analyse the evolving regulatory landscape, the ethical dilemmas AI presents, and the potential pitfalls that await those unprepared for this technological revolution.

From privacy concerns and data protection to intellectual property rights and algorithmic accountability, our podcasts aim to guide you through the legal challenges and opportunities in this rapidly advancing AI-driven era. Whether you're a seasoned tech executive, a legal professional, or simply curious about the interplay between AI and the law, our podcast series is tailor-made to inform, provoke thought, and inspire meaningful conversations about the future of innovation and compliance.

Episode 1: Commercial contracts

In the first episode of our podcast series focused on AI - Charlotte Hill, Oliver Kidd and Tom Perkins discuss some of the issues that commercial contracts should address when dealing with the provision of AI solutions.

Episode 2: AI in the Energy and Natural Resources sector

In this episode John Zadkovich and Nick Dingemans discuss how the energy and natural resources sector has been an early adopter of the power of AI in interpreting and analysing significant data sets, generated throughout the value chain. They also look at the legal implications of AI, IoT and other technologies that need to be considered in the sector.

Episode 3: AI in employment

Enhancements to artificial intelligence (AI) can improve efficiency with timely HR processes involving hundreds of employees or candidates. By removing the human bias from a decision, an employer may also actually be making a fairer decision based on objective data (if the data and criteria themselves are fair). However, as Charlotte Hill and Tom Pimenta discuss, humans should not be entirely removed from employment decision making, otherwise errors within the software can lead to significant legal claims against employers.

Episode 4: Exploring Generative AI and Copyright in the UK

Whilst legislation is not yet keeping pace with generative AI, its use by businesses and their employees is accelerating, particularly in industries such as marketing where the production of content is paramount. In this episode Oliver Kidd, Tom Perkins and Charlotte Hill discuss how, without the traditional crutch of regulation to guide businesses, businesses can still take steps to effectively utilise generative AI as a tool that improves efficiency, output and accuracy, whilst minimising risks.

Episode 5: The state of AI regulation in the UK and EU

In this podcast Charlotte Hill, Jo Vengadesan and Tom Perkins discuss the proposed approaches to regulating AI in both the EU and UK and the potential difficulties that a prescriptive approach to regulation could face, particularly in light of how significantly the field of AI can advance in a short period of time. They also recommend a number of steps any organisation looking to deploy AI solutions should be considering.

Episode 6: An update on the AI regulatory landscape

In our latest podcast Charlotte Hill, Tom Perkins and Joanne Vengadesan look at the current status of AI regulation across the UK, EU and US and in particular what proactive steps organisations should be taking when considering both development and implementation of AI.

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