A laser-like focus on the desired outcome left me feeling like we got tremendous value.
Download our guide designed for early stage companies who are scaling up. Access the key legal advice needed at the start of your journey, from leading experts in the life sciences and technology sectors.
Find out all the key legal challenges that come with establishing your start-up and spin-out company and what actions we will take to support you through every stage of your growth.
Our guide includes information on:
Download our guide here:
Establishing your start-up or spin-out can bring its own set of legal challenges. PennStart is our legal support package designed specifically for start-ups and spin-outs across the technology and life sciences sectors, delivering value where you need it most and giving you the freedom to concentrate on what matters most to you – making your vision a reality.
Backed by our expert team, we have supported hundreds of life sciences and technology companies through every stage of their growth – you will get the benefits of our expertise and decades of sector experience as well as great value and cost certainty.
Find out more about PennStart here.
Sharing incentives: fostering alignment and engagement
Forging collaborations: the power of commercial agreements
Data protection and privacy: safeguarding trust in the digital age
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Beyond the code podcast: The legalities of AI
Data protection toolkit for London Tech Week 2022
DSAR support service - manage DSARs efficiently, accurately and cost effectively
PennStart – the legal support package designed for start-ups and spin-outs
Podcast series: Tech London Advocates Immigration