Settlement achieved following negligent delay in treating appendicitis

Our clinical negligence team has achieved a settlement for the pain and suffering a client experienced, which was caused by a negligent delay in performing an appendicectomy.

The client attended the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woolwich, with appendicitis in August 2017. She arrived at the hospital on the evening of 30 August, but did not undergo a laparoscopic appendicectomy until the afternoon of 31 August, by which time her appendix had perforated.

Investigations were carried out as part of the clinical negligence claim led by our specialist team and expert medical evidence was obtained. 

It was our client’s case that there was a negligent delay in performing her surgery. A CT scan reported shortly before 1am on 31 August demonstrated appendicitis and necessitated overnight surgery. Allowing time to organise an anaesthetic review and take our client to theatre, she should have had her appendicectomy by 5am on 31 August, at the latest.

Her appendix had not perforated by this point, and so earlier surgery would have prevented this from happening. She would have avoided extra nights in hospital; significant additional pain; an extended period of time off work; additional abdominal symptoms over the next six months; and residual symptoms of pain and stomach cramps.

The defendant denied that the treatment was negligent, meaning it was necessary to litigate. However, following negotiations, we are pleased that we were able to reach a settlement for our client and achieve a resolution for her.

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