Snowboarding accident ends pursuit of Olympic dream

We were retained by the parents of a 17 year old Scottish boy who was injured in a snowboarding accident in Colorado while participating in a training camp for the young athletes hoping to represent Team GB in the last Winter Olympics. The claim involved an alleged lack of supervision and training which resulted in the claimant sustaining very severe brain injuries, necessitating several months of intense medical treatment both in Colorado and in the UK.

Partner Warren Collins was instructed by the family to pursue a claim for damages and by the travel insurer in respect of its outlay for medical treatment and repatriation costs of over £100,000. His role involved working in conjunction with Colorado based snow sports lawyers as well as UK counsel.

Although the claim was strong on liability, it was subsequently compromised due to the lack of insurance cover for the target defendants.

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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

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