Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP ('PMC') is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (Registered No. OC311575) and authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. References to 'partner' include members and employees/consultants of equivalent standing within the LLP and its associated undertakings or businesses operating overseas. A list of the members is open to inspection at its registered office, 125 Wood Street, London EC2V 7AW.
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DocuSign is a third party platform used by PMC to facilitate the electronic execution of legal documents.
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Recipients may download the completed Document(s) from the DocuSign platform. Recipients wishing to download the completed Document(s) and the Certificate of Completion should do so within 90 days of the Document(s) being completed within DocuSign. After that time, the Document(s) will be queued for deletion from the DocuSign platform and will no longer be available for download.
PMC will retain copies of the completed Document(s) and Certificate of Completion in accordance with our document retention policy and any applicable legal or regulatory requirements. Copies may also be downloaded by the parties to the transaction and their legal advisers.
PMC’s privacy policy can be viewed here.
DocuSign’s privacy policy can be viewed here.