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Pre- and post-nuptial agreements are playing an increasingly important part in effective wealth and estate planning in England and internationally. Moreover, there is an increasing demand for such agreements from clients wishing to achieve certainty and fairness in the event of a divorce. The law in this area is developing rapidly and expert legal advice is essential.

In addition to assisting clients in relation to the negotiation and drafting of routine domestic pre and post nuptial agreements, we regularly advise on the most complex domestic and international agreements. We have an established reputation in acting for clients throughout the European Community, as well as the United States, Russia and Ukraine in connection with international marital agreements.

Our specialists, who are based in our offices in London, Oxford, Reading and Guildford, provide clear and objective advice to ensure that any agreement is both fair and, as far as possible, legally binding.  We believe that the main purpose of a relationship agreement is to provide an element of certainty for both parties in the event of a marriage or relationship breakdown as well as to avoid the cost and delay which can often accompany difficult court proceedings.

We will advise on the most effective way of structuring agreements and what is permissible within each agreement.

We offer an online system that can help our clients to understand their legal position, prepare for their first meeting, and provide us with the information required to maximise the value we can deliver. We invite you to get started online.

We offer expert advice on:

  • Pre- and post nuptial agreements – together known as “marital agreements”
  • The enforceability and recognition of marital agreements both domestically and abroad
  • Cohabitation/living together agreements
  • All other relationship agreements including pre- and post-civil partnership agreements
  • The setting aside of agreements which may be unfair or unconscionable

Recent work highlights

Anglo-American agreements

Advising on an Anglo-Californian agreement, including consideration of the Californian gift tax provisions.

Multi-jurisdictional reach

Acting for a family office in relation to pre-nuptial agreements for two generations of the family covering multiple jurisdictions including Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany.

Entertainment industry matters

Advising the director of a large national company on the best way to protect his business interests on divorce.

Related expertise

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP