Manufacturer resolves supply chain disputes in US courts

Our commercial dispute resolution team has acted for a UK-based rubber manufacturer against its former exclusive US distributor over the supply of car mats for car manufacturers throughout the US. The case involved complex jurisdictional disputes in relation to the appropriate forum for the claim to be heard.

The Illinois State Supreme Court upheld the UK judgment we obtained for our client.  Further claims were commenced in the US Federal Court, which proceeded to a civil jury trial. These matters included issues relating to parent / subsidiary company relationships which were determined in our favour by a ruling in the Seventh Circuit Appeal Court. Liability in relation to the supply of defective products had been decided separately and the outstanding issue in question was quantum and was determined by jury trial.

Richard Marshall and Charlotte Tanner worked with a team of US lawyers in relation to over 50 cross applications, involving over 600 filings in the US courts. In addition to regularly visiting Chicago, Richard assisted in the conduct of third party witness and expert depositions held in Los Angeles, New York and London, as well as Chicago itself, and acted as the client’s corporate representative at the trial. 

Charlotte Tanner worked alongside the US lawyers, both at their offices in Chicago and in the UK, to prepare for trial and during the trial. Her role included drafting fact and expert witness cross-examination outlines, deposition designation, preparing the pre-trial order, including jury instructions, assisting with pre-trial motions, analysing deposition exhibits and preparing witnesses for giving testimony.

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