Failure to manage complications following a caesarean section

Our client, K, underwent a caesarean section following complications during labour. Prior to the caesarean section, the defendant negligently failed to undertake a further examination that would have shown that a straightforward instrumental delivery would be possible.

Furthermore, after the caesarean, the defendant failed to ensure that all tears to the uterus and vagina had been adequately sutured. K suffered heavy bleeding and after a two hour delay underwent a further laparotomy, followed by two further operations. Unfortunately, the defendant had to perform a full hysterectomy to stem the bleeding.

Had the defendant not negligently failed to examine K prior to the caesarean and ensured that the sutures were adequate following the caesarean, K would not have had to undergo further surgery and would have avoided the hysterectomy. She would also not have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This was her first child. A claim for surrogacy costs was made so that her family could be extended.

Liability was admitted in the letter of response and a settlement of £150,000 plus costs was agreed.

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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

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