Compensation for woman hit by drunk driver

We recently achieved a settlement of £500,000 compensation for a female client who was seriously injured in a road traffic accident.

She suffered complicated orthopaedic and psychological damage, including injuries to her spine, fractured ribs and damage to the pectoral girdle from which she experiences constant, intrusive and disabling pain radiating from her shoulder. Her mobility is further impaired by damage caused to her ankle for which future surgery is needed. She also suffered post-traumatic stress disorder, which has had a profound effect.

The defendant driver was drunk and driving without insurance when he collided with our client's car one evening as she returned home from work. He was convicted and fined for his offences but the effects of the accident remain with our client and will in many ways be with her for life.

The £500,000 settlement reflects the wide ranging and ongoing impact of the injuries our client sustained on all aspects of her personal and professional life.

As the defendant was driving without insurance, we brought this case against him and the Motor Insurers' Bureau (MIB). The MIB is a body funded by all motor insurers to provide compensation to accident victims who are injured by uninsured drivers.

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