Public liability compensation claims may result from accidents in public places, whether they are owned and maintained by a local authority, or privately operated and open to the public, such as shops, railway stations, fitness centres or garages.

There are many causes of injury, some of the more common being poorly maintained pavements or floors; hazardous objects or substances leaking or being left as a hazard to members of the public, for example, spilled food or drink, ice or snow. In such cases, the occupier may not have assessed and treated the risk properly.

Employers may be liable for the actions and failings of their employees and contractors. Their public liability insurance may provide cover if those employees negligently injure customers or members of the public.

Our experienced personal injury team can advise in relation to a wide range of public liability claims.

Recent work highlights

Six figure sum for victim of country lane collision

Achieving a settlement for a driver seriously injured in a fatal road traffic accident while driving to work along a country lane, sustaining a traumatic brain injury, multiple fractures and the loss of sight in one eye.

Pedestrian hit by falling metal hoarding wins damages

Securing more than £13k in damages for a pedestrian whose elbow was fractured after being hit by a metal hoarding with such force that he was knocked to the pavement while walking past a building site.

Compensation for failure of cinema exit lights

Winning £16,000 in damages for a woman who lost her footing while leaving a cinema and fell over suffering a significant wrist facture and other soft tissue injuries. The exit door lights had failed to come on.

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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP