We have international capability both inside and outside London and can offer an unrivalled service to UK resident and non-resident non-domiciled clients; international families and individuals; and business owners across multiple jurisdictions. We work throughout Europe and have particular experience in dealing with clients from the USA, Russia and CIS, Africa and Asia.

We work closely with our colleagues in Penningtons Manches Cooper's property, employment and immigration teams as well as with local lawyers worldwide through our membership of Multilaw and the European Law Group (ELG) to deliver pragmatic, cost-effective and flexible solutions.

Whether advice is required for moving residence or domicile from one country to another, we can help avoid tax pitfalls by ensuring appropriate action is taken beforehand and advising on the mitigation of the effects of taxation for UK resident and non-resident, domiciled and non-domiciled individuals. We have significant experience in structuring the ownership of real estate.

We advise international business owners on how to achieve the most efficient use of their businesses to return value to shareholders wherever they are resident. We can also create structures to safeguard the business owner’s family and mitigate the exposure to tax which goes hand in hand with creating profits.

The international private client team also has in-depth knowledge of all aspects of cross-border investment; the laws of multiple jurisdictions; and the use of offshore trusts and corporate structures for asset protection, privacy, security and how these issues relate to your business.

We offer expert advice on:

  • asset protection
  • cross-border investment
  • guidance on dealing with HMRC
  • mitigating exposure to tax
  • moving residence or domicile and advising on remittance basis of taxation
  • use of offshore trusts and corporate structures
  • owning businesses in multiple jurisdictions
  • personal security and privacy
  • relocation to the UK
  • Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED)

Recent work highlights

Inward investment advice

Advising the family members of a US$30 billion privately owned company on structuring their inward commercial investment into the UK.

Successful HMRC negotiations

Negotiating with HMRC with regard to an investigation into the affairs of a high net worth individual and concluding the investigation with a very satisfactory outcome for the client.

$40 million refinancing

Advising on the US$ 40 million refinancing of a major art collection including dealing with the transfer of the collection into a British Virgin Islands structure and advising on its share structure.

Related expertise

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP