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Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) matters are having an increasing impact for organisations and their day-to-day running. As these matters take on more significance across a growing number of areas, organisations that fail to keep up with change, whether legislative or less formal, will be faced with a mounting business risk.

The UK government has already brought in legislation requiring increased reporting and transparency. With a greater focus on ESG matters more widely, we anticipate that these requirements will become more stringent and additional legislation will be introduced to address a broader range of issues.

Against this background, ESG matters are becoming far more fundamental to customers, with many requiring organisations to show evidence of compliance with ESG criteria before entering into contracts.  It is also now extremely common for investors to seek out companies fulfilling certain ESG criteria, or to include penalties for companies that fail to meet particular ESG thresholds.


How our ESG checklist can help

Our ESG checklist can be used as an effective tool to assist in identifying areas where your organisation may have weaknesses from an ESG perspective. By doing this, you will then be able to review, evaluate and adapt.

The checklist contains a broad range of questions that are designed to be generic for most organisations. It is important to realise, however, that the list is not exhaustive and some organisations may have special considerations that will need to be taken into account. If that is the case, please do get in touch and we will be happy to help with identifying more specific areas for your individual circumstances.

Our full service offering means that we can assist you across a wide range of areas applicable to your organisation. Whether you are looking to completely review your whole business model from an ESG standpoint or just focus on one or two key areas of change, we are here to help.


Download the checklist here:


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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

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