We have recently settled a claim for a young woman against a private dermatological surgeon. The claim related to laser skin treatment for acne scarring, which caused irreversible damage to our client’s skin and had a significant psychological impact on her.
In 2019 our client, who was in her early 30s, received laser skin treatment for mild acne scarring. The procedure was performed by a private dermatological surgeon specialising in skin laser surgery. Soon after, our client’s skin became progressively itchy and painful. She was seen by the surgeon again and he debrided the skin by removing the scabs that had formed. Following the debridement procedure, her skin deteriorated again and became increasingly red, painful and swollen.
She attended A&E, and the burns unit was contacted due to concern that she had suffered a chemical burn. Over subsequent weeks, our client’s skin was continuously breaking down and she was experiencing frequent flare ups. She was referred to the plastic surgery team due to the scarring and over the following months had to wear a face mask, apply emollients regularly throughout the day, massage the skin, and use a chin strap. She underwent pulsed dye laser (PDL) therapy every six weeks. In 2023, she started with microneedling treatment. She avoided exposure to the sun. Her facial swelling and redness gradually reduced over time, but she was left with facial scarring and thickness along her jawline.
We investigated the claim and sought evidence from an expert in dermatology. We alleged that our client did not provide her informed consent to the procedure performed, and that the procedure was performed inappropriately. We also alleged that the surgeon should have referred her onwards for specialist plastic surgery input. The defendant surgeon denied liability. He argued that our client was appropriately consented for the procedure and had suffered a rare complication of treatment which was not because of any negligence.
We also sought evidence on the value of the claim from experts in dermatology, psychiatry and occupational therapy. Our client’s treatment has had a significant psychological impact on her. She suffered flashbacks and nightmares, and has been diagnosed with PTSD and body dysmorphic disorder. She finds her appearance distressing and avoids being seen by others. She avoids leaving her home unless necessary and covers her face outside the home. This has had a detrimental effect on her career as well as her daily life.
Due to the defendant’s denial, the claim was litigated, and listed for trial in January 2025. However, a six-figure settlement was reached after negotiations with the defendant. While this will not make up for the damage caused to our client, we hope that it will enable her to access medical treatment and psychological support, and give her time to find employment opportunities that she feels comfortable with.