Many people come into contact with animals on a daily basis, whether it be at home, in public or while carrying out their work. We form strong attachments with our pets and are widely considered to be a nation of animal lovers.

Nevertheless, animals are by their nature unpredictable and in certain circumstances can act aggressively or in a way that causes injury to those around them. Sometimes this is due to the temperament of the animal itself or the behaviour of others nearby, sometimes it is entirely unexpected and happens without warning. 

The most frequent cause of animal injury claims in this country are attacks by domestic pets, particularly dog bites. However, our team also advises on incidents involving horses, cattle and zoo animals as well as road traffic accidents triggered by animals. A claim for compensation can be made both when harm is inflicted directly by an animal and when people are injured as a consequence of an animal’s actions. 

All animal owners, whether they keep pets, livestock or working animals, have a duty of care to the public. In most cases they should have public liability insurance in place to cover liability for any injuries caused by their animals. In situations where individuals or businesses work with animals and/or the public use their facilities or services, the obligations to risk assess and manage the animals and safely of the environment become greater. Our recent case list has included acting for employees suffering injury from animals in their workplace in addition to those injured by pets and horses.

Whatever the circumstances surrounding your animal accident or injury claim, our specialist lawyers will be able to support you. We recognise that every case is different and always tailor our advice to each client’s specific needs and objectives. We offer various forms of funding, including no win no fee (conditional fee) agreements. Our team aims to ensure that you receive maximum compensation while minimising the legal costs involved.

We offer expert advice on:

  • injuries caused by pets, particularly dogs and cats
  • road traffic accidents caused by animals
  • riding accidents
  • injuries caused by livestock
  • accidents in farms and stables, including injuries to employees
  • accidents in zoos and wildlife parks

Recent work highlights

Dangerous dogs close to home

Acting for a client who sustained permanent injuries to her hand as a result of an attack by a neighbour’s dogs while she was walking her own dogs along a nearby footpath.

Damages for marathon runner bitten by dog

Obtaining a settlement for a female marathon runner who was chased by a dog while she was out training and sustained serious bite injuries and scarring. The owner was not watching the dog despite the fact that it was not on a lead.

Teenager's fall from bolting horse

Recovering compensation for a teenager who fell and was seriously hurt after she was taken out for a ride by an experienced horseman on an energetic horse which was unsuitable for a novice rider.

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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

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