Failure to consider available alternatives to hysterectomy and loss of kidney function as a result

Our client underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy after her treating gynaecologist failed to explore properly other less invasive treatment options for her symptoms of prolapse, which would have avoided the need for a hysterectomy. The surgeon had proceeded on the basis of a misapprehension of our client's medical history and negligently advised our client that her only treatment option was a hysterectomy.

During the hysterectomy the surgeon divided our client's left ureter, a mistake which in this instance was not negligent, but then failed to respond to our client's post-operative symptoms and clear histology which showed a section of her ureter had been removed. By the time appropriate follow up was arranged and our client was reviewed by the urologists, her left kidney had no useful function and it was not possible to restore this.

Liability was admitted and a settlement of £50,000 plus costs was agreed. Our client also received a letter of apology from the treating hospital.

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