Compensation for significant burns following negligent liposuction procedure

We were instructed to act on behalf of a client after she experienced significant burns during a liposuction procedure to remove excess fat around her hips.

As a result of the negligent treatment, our client suffered excruciating pain to the extent that she recalls passing out and believing that she would die. Following the procedure, she developed blistered wounds on the skin around her waist, over the areas where the fat had been removed. The wounds, which were described as full thickness, were so severe that she required treatment at a major burns clinic. She suffered from necrosis of the skin where the fat had been removed and the open wounds were extremely painful. When she twisted, bent or sat, the movement pulled on the wounds and exacerbated her pain.

After she sought advice from our cosmetic surgery specialists, we corresponded with the private surgeon who had performed the treatment.  He admitted negligence and causation of her injuries. In order to value her claim, we instructed both a consultant plastic surgeon and a consultant psychiatrist to consider the extent of her injuries and make recommendations for future treatment.

The expert plastic surgeon confirmed that our client had significant scarring with hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, as well as uneven texture, and recommended further surgery to improve the appearance of the scars. In addition to the physical injuries, it was also confirmed that she was suffering from depression due to poor body image, physical restrictions on movement, unsightly scarring and the impact on her personal relationships.

After valuing the claim, we contacted the defendant to negotiate settlement and our client was extremely pleased with the outcome.

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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

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