Following the popularity of our 2023 Horizon Webinar series, focusing on developments you need to know in Financial Services Regulation – we have created our latest Horizon Series Toolkit – which gives you access to our on-demand content, recorded across our recent webinar programme.

The new Consumer Duty

Teja Picton-Howell and Tom Walker provide an update on the new Consumer Duty, which addresses the following: 

  • Countdown to implementation and industry progress so far
  • What does “embedded into a firms’ culture” mean in practice?
  • The political push back
  • Looking beyond the horizon – will the legal and regulatory landscape change? 

Banking bonuses – Back to the future?

Following the FCA/PRA’s consultation on removing the bonus cap, Nick Humphreys and Hester Jewitt look at the legal and regulatory issues to consider when making variable pay awards, including the proposed changes to the bonus cap, ex-post risk adjustment and linking variable pay to diversity and inclusion.

Combating APP fraud – The impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in Philipp v Barclays Bank

Michael Brown and Charlie Shillito discuss the implications of the Supreme Court’s judgment for consumers and payment service providers and explore whether recent legislation will help combat this growing type of fraud as well as providing reimbursement for its victims. 

Greenwashing – The gathering storm – analysing disclosure and litigation risks

Phillip D'Costa and Richard Raban-Williams discuss the key regulatory developments and litigation risks for authorised firms arising from ESG related regulatory compliance and disclosure obligations.

Culture and misconduct in financial services – The next chapter

With non-financial misconduct still firmly on the FCA’s radar, Tom Walker, Ruby Dinsmore and Sarah Mant from our Employment team look at recent developments, lessons learnt and what firms and individuals in financial services should be considering in the course of their cultural journey.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP