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The Penningtons Manches Cooper private client team assists individuals, families and professional clients based in the UK and internationally with the preparation of wills and the subsequent administration of their estates. We offer a considerate, personal service with sensitivity and professionalism that combines expertise with efficiency.

For some, a will is a simple document to ensure that assets are passed upon death to those intended but, for many, it is also the most effective tax planning tool available to them. Our large team of specialist lawyers can help provide a will that is both effective in realising your intentions and in mitigating the effects of inheritance tax.

When administering estates, our experience helps to remove potential problems for family and friends at a difficult time. We take a proactive stance, ensuring that the process moves smoothly and quickly and identifying relevant tax planning opportunities.

UK nationals are increasingly likely to own assets located outside the UK leaving the executors of their estates to deal with the rules of the devolution on death of assets situated in multiple jurisdictions. Our team has considerable expertise in obtaining probate and dealing with assets both within the UK and across multiple jurisdictions to avoid any potential conflicts in the way that laws apply to international estates.

For international individuals who die with assets in the UK, the team can assist with obtaining probate in the UK and, in certain circumstances, avoid the need to make a standalone application for a grant of probate in the UK by resealing a grant of the individual’s home state.

We offer expert advice on:

  • preparation of wills
  • UK and international probate
  • administration of estates – UK and multiple jurisdictions
  • lasting powers of attorney (LPA)
  • Court of Protection applications
  • tax planning

Recent work highlights

Estate ownership disputes

Advising on a complex estate involving substantive disputes between beneficiaries about the ownership of estate assets.

HMRC negotiations on shareholding valuation

Engaging in complicated negotiations with HMRC on the valuation of a substantial shareholding in a private family company owned beneficially by the deceased and also by a trust.

New Zealand will provisions

Advising the executors of a New Zealand estate on the variation of the will provisions of the deceased in liaison with his UK domiciled widow and the interaction of UK taxation with a New Zealand charity.

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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP