Claim against well-known plastic surgeon for failed filler injections

Posted: 12/03/2014

Penningtons Manches is representing an actress who underwent cosmetic filler injections to her lower eyelids in 2011. The surgeon, a well-known TV personality, failed to warn her of the potential risks associated with the procedure, including bruising and persistent swelling. Unfortunately, not only did both of these problems occur but our client has been left with a loose sack of skin under her right eye  which requires further treatment to correct this. Had she been properly advised of the risks of the procedure, she would not have gone ahead as it was an extra option suggested to her rather than a treatment she had requested.

Elise Bevan, a cosmetic claims solicitor at Penningtons Manches, advises: “Filler injections to the tear trough area and lower eyelid carry with them a significant risk of bruising and persistent swelling which can take some months to settle. Any patient seeking treatment to this area should have these risks carefully explained to them in detail so that they can make an informed decision regarding the treatment. 

“In this case, the treating doctor failed to discuss with our client the risks of the filler injections and presented her with the consent form to sign at the end of the consultation. This falls below an acceptable standard of treatment but is unfortunately something we come across frequently. If our client had been given more information regarding the injection of filler into her eyelids, she would have taken time to consider whether her lower eyelids and tear troughs were her priority for treatment and whether she wanted to take the risk of persistent swelling.  She was, in fact, seeking filler injections to her perioral lines as part of a package of facial treatments she had been sold by the clinic. It was the treating doctor who suggested that she should have filler injections to her lower eyelids. 

“It is important that patients do not feel rushed into making a decision to undergo treatment which carry potentially life-changing risks. As an actress, our client’s appearance is incredibly important to her. The end result here has meant that she has lost a great deal of confidence and all because she felt pressurised to say “yes” instead of being giving a chance to think things through.”

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