Portrait of Clare  Tindale


Clare is an associate in the Court of Protection team in Basingstoke. She manages deputyships on a day to day basis, and specialises in ensuring client’s awards of personal injury and other funds are used in their best interests, including to support and enable them both in the short and long-term.

Before joining Penningtons Manches Cooper in 2018, Clare worked for Hampshire County Council in its client affairs service. She has also worked for a homelessness charity, providing benefits advice and representation to vulnerable adults, professionals, and those affected by cancer through Macmillan Cancer Support. Clare draws on her experience in welfare rights to ensure clients receive the funding that they are entitled to.

Clare studied law at the University of Warwick, with an additional year spent studying at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. She then completed her Legal Practice Course at Nottingham Law School. Clare is a dual-qualified lawyer, gaining Chartered Legal Executive status in Court of Protection work before being admitted to the roll as a solicitor in December 2021.

Recent work highlights

  • Overseeing reinstatement of a significantly adapted rental property prior to the client moving to a newly adapted permanent home.
  • Negotiation with a local authority of care fee funding for an elderly trust beneficiary.
  • Successfully overturning a DWP decision leading to the award of a backdated Personal Independence Payment of £17,247.
  • Advising a litigation team and counsel on a client’s benefit entitlement forming part of a £14.5 million claim for damages.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP