Portrait of Aline Constan

Aline Constan

Associate (FCILEx)



Aline is an associate and CILEx qualified lawyer in the clinical negligence department, working with members of the clinical negligence team based in Basingstoke. She has a special interest in birth injury and sepsis cases, and splits her time between assisting on maximum severity cases and progressing a wide range of other matters, including cancer, orthopaedic, cardiology and fatal claims.  

She joined Penningtons Manches Cooper in April 2018, after working for 10 years in a number of other top tier specialist clinical negligence firms in London. As a bilingual French national, Aline is uniquely placed to assist families whose first language is French.

Recent work highlights

  • Assisting on several very high value birth injury claims, which secured multimillion pound settlements.
  • Settling a claim on behalf of a protected party for delayed diagnosis of malignant lung tumour.
  • Assisting on the settlement of a spinal injury case on behalf of a young child.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC311575 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under number 419867.

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP